Yoga in the Algarve
Doing what feels right.
I did,
by choosing a future in Portugal.
I do,
by choosing to have fine lessons with you!
Doing what feels right.
Are you doing so?

Hi, my name is Pamela
Inhale. Exhale.
Sometimes it’s as simple as that.
When I started doing yoga myself, I noticed how this helped me feel calmer. By being more aware of my breath, I felt more powerful but also more relaxed.
Breathing, moving, being moved. Massage has the same power of simplicity. With full undivided attention, what is stuck gets set into motion, and what is cramped gets loose.
Mindful movement, doing what feels good.
Will you move with me?

Doing what feels right together
I have over fifteen years of experience as a yoga teacher. During this time I have learned how important your breathing is and how beautiful it is to get to know yourself through movement. This way you develop tools to feel better mentally and physically. My foundation is Vinyasa Yoga with an emphasis on critical alignment. From my experience as a prenatal yoga teacher, there is a lot of mindfulness involved. Yin Yoga is my most recent discovery.
Deep breaths in and out, feeling what is going or not going. Just you alone with yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, an hour of practice isn’t going to work wonders.
But it will help you get through the week. In fact, you always feel better after yoga. So let’s do what feels good together!

Inademen. Uitademen. Soms is het zo simpel als dat.
Toen ik zelf begon met yoga, merkte ik hoe dit hielp om me rustiger te voelen. Door bewuster met mijn adem om te gaan, voelde ik me krachtiger maar juist ook relaxter.
Precies wat ik jou ook gun. Zullen we samen doen wat goed voelt?
Fijnste na de online yoga : ik blijf langer in mijn yoga bubbel omdat ik meteen daarna met een kop thee rustig kan gaan zitten zonder geklets en weer reistijd.
Na een hele dag hollen en rennen en ballen in de lucht houden, vind ik het heerlijk om in mijn eigen omgeving tot rust te komen en Yoga met Pamela te doen. Ze is heerlijk nuchter en vertelt je vooral naar je lijf te luisteren.